Have you tried hand expressing? It’ll relieve some of the pressure. And feeding him will hurt at first but will feel so much better after releasing that milk. Try a hot compress or hot shower as well. I’ve been there. And you’re not a failure. 🙂
You're only a failure if you choose to not feed your baby anything at all. Breastfeeding can be frustrating especially really early on. All of my pain both with nipples and engorgement went away after about a week but that's my own experience, I don't know what's normal. Either way, don't be hard on yourself over it
I never breastfed my boys... it just wasn't going to work for me and I knew that before they were born. Not all women can do it and it's perfectly fine, doesn't make you any less of a woman and it doesn't make you a failure. They all say "breast is best" but in reality, "fed is best". That's why they make formula.