This is my 10 month olds toe. I have no idea why it is inflamed like this. She also has a low grade fever(100.5) She is teething so I figured the fever was because of her teeth until I noticed her toe. Could this be causing a fever?
Seems like toe is infected if your my 4 yr old had same on finger take baby to doctor they will give you antibiotics and it will go away I soaked his finger in warm water with sea salt nothing really helped
Looks like an ingrown toe nail you can put her in a warm bath with some soap and let her just play, and enjoy a bath to let her toe soak in the warm water, and then when you get her out dry it, and clean it with some peroxide, and alcohol, and then take some Neosporin, and put it on her toe, and then cover it with a band aid, and then at night let it air out, and then do it all over again the next day, and it should help, and if at night time you see any dead skin coming off clip it off with toe nail clippers while she’s asleep but don’t clip her toe nail just let her toe nail grow because clipping it will only make it worse if it’s an ingrown toe nail. My son who’s also 10 months old had this same thing happen to him the poor thing has sensitive toes like his mommy I had to have ingrown toe nail surgery done on both of my big toes because mine got so bad that they’d bleed but when this happen to my son I just put him in a bath and let his toe soak, and then dried it off, and cleaned it with peroxide, and alcohol, and then used Neosporin, and band aid, and just kept doing that everyday until it healed also you might wanna put socks on her feet to keep her from messing with the band aid my son always tried to chew on it but I’d put a sock on him and he wouldn’t mess with it.
Thank you so much!!! I will definitely do that!!! This is my third kiddo and I operate an in home daycare and this is the first time I’ve ever encountered this!
@ashleyraecollier, You’re very welcome! I hope this helps! I’ve raised my aunts kids she’s got two boys and one girl and this never happen until I had my own so it was a first for me too! I had no idea that babies could get ingrown toe nails but now that I know it makes sense! We learn something new everyday! 😊