Dealing with Gender Disappointment

If you are like many pregnant parents, you cannot wait until the day you get the ultrasound that will announce the sex of your baby. Here you have been thinking up baby names, and planning on decorating the nursery. You may be so certain that you are having one sex or the other that you have even bought clothes in pink or blue. Maybe there is a lot of pressure from extended family to have a girl or a boy.
But what happens when and if you were wanting one gender and then find out that you are getting another? Dealing with gender disappointment can be difficult.
The cliché is that all pregnant parents want a healthy baby - and that is really all that matters. Yet still, there are many people who feel disappointed, let down or perhaps surprised when they find out the sex of their baby, especially if it is not in line with what they thought they were having, or what they think they want.
When it comes to pregnancy, we certainly don't have a lot of control. And for most people - being disappointed with the gender while pregnant is NOT something that you can talk about with others. It would make you appear ungrateful, or even mean, or awful - right? The reality however is that this 'let down' about the gender of a baby DOES happen.
The good news, from a mother of 4 girls - is that regardless of what you think you want - you will love your baby just the same. Some women are afraid to have girls because they don't have good relationships with their own mothers and worry that the same thing will happen to them. Some women are afraid they won't share much in common with a son. Others believe that their partners want a son rather than a daughter and worry that the news will disappoint their partner. The equations of feelings and emotions when you find out the sex of your baby are endless. This is one reason that many people prefer to just wait until delivery day.
The truth of the matter, however, is that you are going to have what you have.
It is okay to recognize that you may be shocked, surprised, disappointed or let down. Dealing with gender disappointment doesn't mean you are going to be an awful parent. In fact, one thing you can be guaranteed is that the day you see your baby for the first time - you will forget what you ever wanted before and realize that EVERYTHING you ever wanted is planted firmly in your arms.
Life has an amazing way of giving us gifts that we never knew we wanted. Allow yourself to feel your emotions - and don't beat yourself up for whatever it is you feel the day you find out the sex of your baby. Your baby girl or baby boy came to you FOR A REASON - and when it's all said and done, everything will be perfect.
Written By Stef, Mom of 4 @Momspirational

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@christinasanchez1984, god bless you she is adorable
05.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
04.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
@madhatter, so happy for you boys are not easy when they get older lol I have twin teens
03.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
@mrsmord, I wanted a girl so bad but I am just glad the baby is healthy
03.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
I am you ladies enjoyed the post 😘
03.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
Needed to read this honestly , I’m finding out in March and I’m prepared to hear that i have a boy but i really really want a girl and hope it’s a girl 🙏🏻
03.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
I'd like to say I really appreciate this post. As someone who struggles with PCOS and wasn't exactly sure if I'd be able to conceive I was always annoyed by gender disappointment. I didn't understand it because I had never been pregnant before. I wouldn't go as far to say I have gender disappointment, but when I was told I'm having a baby girl instead of the little boy we thought was in me it was the most confusing feeling. I was ecstatic and grinned ear to ear. I cried tears of joy for her still. But in the back of my mind I felt totally unprepared for a daughter. I felt a son would've been more my speed. And then it clicked for me. This must be what everyone is talking about. It was a completely new perspective.
03.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
Love this! Thank you for posting. I had 2 daughters when I remarried. When my husband and I found out we were expecting, I had my heart set on another girl (partly bc I already had 2 and loved being a girl mom). Well, we found out we we're having a boy anf my heart sunk. It took until he was born to realize a boy was exactly what I had wanted and he was healthy and perfect in every way possible. I LOVE having a son just as much as I love having daughters. This pregnancy, I had only hoped for a boy to even it out (2 girls, 2 boys) and bc I saved all my son's clothing. When we found out we were having a girl this time, I was a little saddened bc my son wouldn't have a brother, but I was thrilled! All my kids are happy and healthy and super excited for this new baby!
03.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
Aw this is perfect. I want a little boy so I can experience both. I will only have two children so I know I may have to “grieve” not having a boy. Then you hear mom shamers say “you should just be happy you’re able to have a baby or just hope for a healthy baby” 🙄 THAT doesn’t change things. Disappointment in a gender has nothing to do with ability to love. The baby would be loved either way. It is absolutely OK to prefer a certain gender.
03.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
I wished for a girl lol but hey my unborn son will add to the twins sons I already have.
03.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
This post is awesome, thank you! Although I am a mother who hoped for my son and unborn son to be boys got her wish. Society has a way of making people feel bed for natural feelings and emotions about things which Makes it harder to accept and move past. So again I appreciate your insight and sharing of this to all of us mothers. ❤❤
03.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
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