Hey mamas. So my son has had diarrhea like poop, watery, at least 4-10 times a day for about 8 days now. I took him to GI, which is in an outpatient office at a children’s hospital and they could admit him if they saw reason to, GI tested his stool but as of today we are still waiting on the results. I’m kinda at wits end here because he’s not really drinking or eating much. He will drink his milk but it doesn’t really help his hydration. He drinks sips of pedialyte and coconut milk but it’s not enough to hydrate him. He doesn’t eat full meals and will only take a few bites and he’s done so obviously he doesn’t really have an appetite. No fever so it’s not viral which is what GI ruled out with their clinical diagnosis. Any ideas what I could do to get him to drink or what this could be? His poop is like a really dark brown color.

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Water &' a lot of fruit
21.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
He won’t eat or drink 😩 he takes a couple sips and he’s done and he spits it out at us when we try to force it on him 😭
21.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
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