Brandi Metcalf
Brandi Metcalf
Oh my! It's only going to be 11 am and I am already having to deal with insanity. And it's not even under my our roof. I am having to be the ref, adult and mean person from 1500 miles away. I have already been on the edge all week cuz my grandmother was sent home on Thursday with hospice so she can past at home in peace. And now my uncle who is a drunk is giving my parents attitude. Short story my father and I own the house my parents live in. My uncle lives there and so does my dying grandma. Well when my dad and I inherited the house I made rules for anyone other than my parents living there. Their half of bills is due on the 5th of every month and no drugs or alcohol where aloud in the house. Well my uncle hasn't followed any of it. Well he crossed the line last night when he decided to start being rude the priest who came to give last rights to my grandma. So is it wrong I am kicking him out today?? I am sending my bffs sister in law over who is a sheriff to remove him today.

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