I am a expectant mom of a baby boy I am seven months pregnant l am going to be getting a c-section and I'm nervous is there anything I need to know for after the procedure? I am also getting my tubes tied so I am very nervous about that procedure. I am so excited I can't wait till I have my son in my arms. Here is a picture of the sonogram of my baby boy. If you have any advice for me please share. I am also getting him circumcised when he's born too. #myfirstpost
My babygirl was breach and 6 wks early so when they couldn't stop the contractions ( after trying for15 hrs ) my DR decided to do it. It was such a last mn decision that i was terrified! I didn't feel the pain until the next morning when everything started to wear off..the pain really sucks but so worth it when you finally can hold your baby within the next few days after. My DR made me stay awake thru it all but numbed me from the waist down so I could only feel the pressure of them pulling and tugging me which made me so much more naseous. The recovery is much longer and slower (im 4 wks post surgery and my abs still hurt). Make sure you get up and walk around for a few mns every few hrs while recovering in the hospital because its so important not to let the gas bubbles rise to your chest..it didn't happen to me but i met a women in the hospital when i was recovering that had it happen to her and she said it hurts so bad and can burst open yr insision..it hurts like hell trying to get up and walk until u are healed but do it after ur meds kick in. Also theyll give you like a shaper that wraps around yr belly and back and adds a little pressure to help when you cough or sneeze or laugh, add a pillow to your stomach also for the first 48 hrs if u have to and itll help not hurt ur ab muscles as bad if u have to cough or sneeze..or laugh. Just keep it on atleast a wk (its uncomfy and irritating but it really DOES help get ur tummy back to normal and in shape). After i was released from the hospital i stayed with my mom for help because you are a little helpless more so then youd think, so make sure to have a lil help and just remember to take it EASY and take it 1 say at a time !! I remember waking up the 2rd day post surgery crying in pain and was dissapointed that i wasn't healed enough to hold my baby and just thinking that id never get better...but it does get better, i promise !!! 😊💗 good luck momma !
I had my second c-section along with tubes tied about 8 months ago
Yes I was scared at first but I found out in the beginning it’s painful and I did needed help for the first 6 weeks but after I’m good doing well now... everybody body is different but for the majority it’s painful 😣 for the first few weeks thank god for pain medication.... make sure you have help just in case.....😊
I had one a little over a year ago mine was an emergency, but overall it was a quick procedure. The only thing I hated was the surgery meds made me shake pretty bad. Besides that the recovery was great I was off the pain medication in 5 days.
Welcome! 💕 all I can say is that a friend of mine had a c-section out of fear of a vaginal delivery and she said that afterwards, she stayed in the hospital but couldn’t move or stand to give her daughter her first bath. Her mom did it for her. So maybe have someone you love do that for the baby? And she still complains about the pain from the c-section till this day (5 years now since) so I recommend strengthening your core muscles with Pilates to aid in the process of recovery. ☺️