Finally healing after a very bad case of shingles while pregnant and it literally ate through my skin . I wouldn’t wish this pain on nobody especially while pregnant. I’m happy it’s almost over 😓😫🤕
I had them not too long ago. Mine started on the left side of my spine at my shoulder blade and went all the way around my side on to the under side of my left breast.... I had to supplement with formula and pump and dump all of my breast milk from that side.... It was a horrible experience!
I had shingles when I was pregnant. It started over my eyebrow and went up into my hairline and down the side of my face. It felt like somebody was holding a lit cigarette to my skin. I still have an indented scar over my eyebrow where it started. I pray I never have them again.
Shingles are a form of the Chicken Pox virus. If you had chicken pox as a child you can get shingles...I had them(shingles) at the age of 22 and it was PAINFUL. I got them around my left eye and had blisters on the under side of my lower eyelid. Gotta love how a childhood ailment I had at the age of 8 came back to haunt me in my early 20s.