I doubt it’s wrong. Blood tests are accurate and if your period is late you’d have more than 5 HCG in your blood and that’s all it takes for a positive on a qualitative blood test.
@caitlinlyttle19 depends on what type of blood test they gave you. I was told there is two types, one is nothing more than a HPT, as it only detects a certain amount of HCG, the other one, detects small traces of HCG. If they gave you the one that's equivalent to an HPT, yes! It could be too early. If this has happened to you before, then you know its possible. You just have to be patient dear. I mean alot of people dont get positives on the first day of their missed period. I personally at one point didnt get a BFP until I was 3 weeks late with my last child.
My blood test at the hospital was negative, but this hospital isn’t very reliable. My period is officially a day late, the past week or two I have had pregnancy symptoms. @basicwitch.