My 17 day old daughter is always struggling to do a poo she hardly ever goes and when she does we have to help her to go, she goes like every three days or so we changed her milk from cow and gate to sma last Sunday and still no change does any one know what this could be her belly is also hard and bloated her poo the other day was Hardish and greenish and she is not drinking too much she has no more than 2 ounces every 2 to 3 hours ?? X
A change in milk can also cause constipation especially since you changed it while she is still so new to the old formula. Once they are 8 weeks doc can prescribe lactulose, HVs don't like it as its a quick fix, it's essentially sugar syrup which draws all the liquid in their body to their poo - which means they can become super thirsty on the night and wake more which my lovely doc told me much later on than he should have. He said some babies just dislike the feeling of passing it and try to hold it in, my LO was probably 12 weeks before he eventually started to pass soft stool once day. Initially when he was straining I would hold his legs up to his belly and press them high to try and work his bum muscles, a little bit like how stirrups hold your legs up to help you push out baby. Your lo will be fine in no time x