Shelby Cook
Shelby Cook
Breast feeding advice... someone please help 😫 i see a doctor on Monday... this is my first baby and i had my baby at 38 weeks. He is 2 weeks old. My milk didn’t start coming in until last week and recently the pain is just horrible! I had to switch to formula but I want to breast feed as long as possible.

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Breastfeeding is painful the first few weeks. Downright excruciating at times. There were times those first few weeks i had to give myself a pep talk before feeding my son bc i knew the first few minutes would hurrrrt. But it will get better! I do suggest seeing a lactation consultant to make sure he has a proper latch. That can help with the pain. Also supplementing can be counter productive when it comes to establishing your supply so make sure you pump each time you give him formula. But really you just have to power through the pain & know it does get easier soon.
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@_sheriee, i didn’t have a choice but to give him a bottle the other day... it was very bad. I was crying and i freaked out. I pump throughout the day and that helps. I try my hardest to put him on the boob but i don’t want to get frustrated with him.
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@chelseaz, i see someone on Monday so they can help me out. I had my nipples pierced before and I’m not sure if that’s another reason why it hurts.
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Does he have a tongue or lip tie? It was a little painful for me at first but my nips got used to it. You can place one hand over his head so that way he has no way of yanking away. I will say if you plan on breastfeeding then you shouldn’t be supplementing. Are you pumping now that he’s not actively nursing?
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
With my first baby, for the first 2 weeks my nipples were bleeding and hurt like hell. I would cry every single time he latched and literally ball my fists up while he ate to get through the pain. He had a great latch too so that wasn’t the cause of the pain! He had a strong latch though and sucked so hard that he could literally empty one side in less than 5 minutes. I saw a lactation consultant to make sure everything was being done correctly. A ped at the hospital told me that if I could make it through the first few weeks, it would get easier. I used lanolin on my nipples after every feeding and eventually it got better! After week 3 the pain was gone and I didn’t even have to continue with the lanolin, although I did choose to use it every once in a while. With my second baby, I didn’t experience any of that. I think my body or nipples i should say got used to it.
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@_sheriee, He sucks really hard and when he’s done or moves his head... it’s like he is trying to take my nipple with him. Then it makes the next feeding even more painful.
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
His latch is painful or what exactly is hurting you?
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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