Y’all 😭 I ran over my sister’s dog 😫
I’ve been hounding her for three months to put them in my fenced in back yard but she still lets them run free. Today I got in my husbands truck and her dog was standing next to my door and I moved some stuff around in the truck and I put it in drive and literally didn’t even press the gas and I hit him 😫😫😫 he must have laid down right in front of the right tire because I even looked for him before I drove. I feel so bad 😭 they’re going to have to do some surgery on him because it did something to his hip socket. Whyyyy meeee?! I’m so upset.

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@mommynes, thanks Nes! It’s the fluffy one that I hit 😫
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Oh no!! I know how much of a pet lover you are. I’m so sorry! Don’t beat yourself up over it. ❤️
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@its.a.bird, I agree. They think he’ll make a full recovery 🙌🏼 so hopefully he heals quickly and well. I’m trying to remind myself that it wasn’t my fault, because I truthfully looked for him and didn’t see him and there just wasn’t anything I could have done differently. But it still sucks.
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ss3mom, fortunately she does get a really good discount, usually around 70% at least on medication. She told me she doesn’t expect me to pay for anything because she knows it’s her responsibility to care for him.
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kay.., at second look it lols like his growth plates aren’t even fused yet. U see the little line in the other hip? That’s the growth plate. It’s broken right there. If it were my dog I’d do the FHO for sure
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kay.., oh yea that’s a bad fracture. That would be really hard to fix in a large breed puppy. Most likely if it was fixed something else would need to be done down the road. Like removing the hardware that repaired the fracture. So a FHO is probably the best option in this case. And depending on your state/township law she’s responsible because her dog wasn’t contained properly. So u really don’t have to pay, again depending on the law where u live. In my state of pa the Owner would be responsible because the dog wasn’t on a leash or contained in the fenced in yard. I’ve seen so many dogs and cats hit by cars it’s really sad but most people don’t properly restrain their dogs or cats and they are responsible for their pet!! Period end of story ya know?! I mean it’s your sister and she works for the vet so I’m sure she will get a good discount. Keep me posted on how he does
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kay.., oh wow it’s a larger breed. I’m surprised that the vet would do a FHO on that breed. But I guess to keep cost down it makes sense. The vet I worked for would have wanted to fix it because he didn’t like doing FHO’s on larger dogs. Either way I’m sure he will be fine after surgery. Hope he’s doing ok. If they don’t do surgery till Monday I hope they have him on some good pain meds
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ek620, I completely agree. When I brought him up there she tried to get smart mouthed with me and I said no, he should have been in the dang fence and this wouldn’t have happened!
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@modom16, her first dog that was hit wasn’t her fault, he wasn’t her dog at the time, but yes, I agree. He’s doing well, they’re thinking of doing surgery on Monday.
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’m sorry! One of my worst nightmares is hitting a pet. She should’ve listened to your advice though. She could have avoided this!
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kay.., poor pup 😔 you’d think since she already had a dog hit she would have taken better precautions! I’m sorry it happened to you though
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tacos4lyfe, I know, I was so antsy driving after it. I feel traumatized 😭 I ran a dog over once a long time ago and it still haunts me 😣
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ss3mom, he’s a Great Pyrenees/lab mix but he’s only like 6 months old so he’s still kind of small. Her other dog had the same surgery (he was a stray and someone hit him and a random lady brought him in and paid for it but didn’t want him so my sister took him) and he recovered well from it, he runs around like nothing ever happened.
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Oh no I’m sorry! I ran over my dog when I was in high school and I’m pretty sure I still have some ptsd from it... my heart races whenever I pull out of my parents’ driveway... he survived but only because my parents put around $20k into medical treatment and surgeries probably more for my mental health then for the dog.
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kay.., oh well an FHO is cheaper then fixing the hip. It must be a small dog huh?!? Pa has a leash law so if a dog was hit by a car off leash it’s the owners responsibility to pay for any surveys/treatments that are needed. That’s good she works for the vet and can get a big discount because that shit ain’t cheap!! The dog will recover fairly quickly from a FHO. May need some pt but they usually do pretty well with that surgery
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
He’s going to have to have FHO surgery, which is expensive 🤦🏻‍♀️ she works at a vets office so she gets a huge discount. But, she casually mentioned how I should help and I told her I absolutely should not help because he should have been in the fenced in yard. Though I will help because I feel terrible. I just want to cry 😭 I believe Texas does have a leash law but honestly we live in the middle of nowhere so I doubt anybody would ever call but who knows. I’m assuming he was laying in front of the tire, I honestly have no idea, I can’t see how that would have happened had he been standing up 😣
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Oh no. I’m sorry about the dog. I hope it does well. It isn’t your fault. I know you feel awful. Does you state have leash laws? If they do she can get in some big trouble if someone calls animal control because she lets her dogs run wild.
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Oh no poor pup!! Do u know what happened? Like did his hip dislocate? Depending on the size of the dog the cost could be very expensive. Is your sister asking u to pay? Because technically it’s her responsibility for the vet bills. Since he was off leash and not fenced in. Hope he recovers quick!! I’m sure you’re so upset about it too.
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
I can’t imagine how horrific this is for you. It is not your fault though. Clearly she is a very irresponsible dog owner, especially after you’ve warned her how unsafe it is AND you have a safer option that she refuses! Terrible that she has put you and her dog in that position. I hope pup recovers quickly.
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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