Is there really not a teen mom post? Y’all sorry!

Bri is such a pansy. She was nervous af in that room with Kail but the second she got out and had her friend she tried to fight. Gtfoh.

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@kay.., right 😂 I love me some Britney.
13.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
I can’t stand Bri, but for real though, I actually like Brittney 🤷🏻‍♀️ I mean if some big girl like Kail was going after my sister, I’d pull her back by her hair too 🤷🏻‍♀️ that may be dirty and my sister may be completely and totally wrong but you’re not about to touch her 😬 kail is trash too though, I haven’t liked her in a long time, she’s a hot mess who let the game go to her head, I used to love her but now she’s on the hotmess express right there with Janelle 😂
12.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Kail thinks she’s tough. Her attitude stinks since she started making money from mtv. Bri sounded like a 5 yr old throwing a high pitched tantrum lol. And has to have her sister fight her battles.
And how the hell is brit going to tell bri about how she should’ve acted but yet go after kail? 🤨😂

Chelsea and Leah are the only respectful ones on teen mom 2.
12.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
I don’t get MTV cause broke but imma keep up with the mess through this here post 🙇🏻‍♀️
12.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sparklingjewels, dang. I was sure she wouldn’t come back. Guess we all need a paycheck lol
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
They’ve already started filming next season I haven’t heard anything about Chelsea not coming back but Jenelle still hasn’t signed her contract and hasn’t started filming because she’s making demands 🙄 I hope she doesn’t come back at all.
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@0814mja, linebacker 😂😂

I’m sure Chelsea won’t be back for next season after those shenanigans.
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Both Kail and Breanna are stupid af! They ain't bout shit! Or else they would plan to meet of camera to handle shit. But they both know they aren't gonna do nothing. I dont know why they act like they will. They are probably low key bffs and do that shit for ratings.

Kail looks like a damn linebacker. And Breanna looks like a damn ant with her ass!

I agree people will stop watching soon.
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
She made herself look so dumb. Like you wanna act hard when you know your sister will fight your battle every single time. She talks crap and only acts bad if her sister is sitting right there.
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Ugh I just watched it yesterday. First off kail was trying to fight Bri in the room and Bri didn’t have anything to say except u always talk trash about me!! Like for real?!? Bri crossed the line with her comment on social media about Chris beating kail up in front of her kids. But kail could have handled herself much better. She thinks she’s so much better then everyone else but she wanted to actually fight her. Like get it together. They aren’t teens anymore and their kids are old enough to know what’s going on. Poor kids in school must get talked about. Brittany attacked kail from behind so that shows just how dirty she is. Also when Bri stormed out on the stage screaming and yelling like a crazy person was so uncalled for. She had her chance to talk to kail in private but didn’t say a word. The when the cameras were rolling and an room full of people She went off. She’s trash. Actually they both are trashy. She was standing over poor Chelsea who’s what 6mths pregnant. That was absurd. Chelsea walked off stage so fast and I honestly can’t blame her. The fact that she has to be concerned for her unborn child is just ridiculous. Can’t wait to see the next episode. And yea I noticed that no one was paying any attention to Brittany. Like they didn’t think she would go after kail?! Then she was talking to Bri and Dr drew about it and Brittany was saying that Bri didn’t have to come out like that but she was the first one to actually put hands on kail. Trash, trash and trash!! I’m sure the show will be coming to an end soon with all this foolishness
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Watching that episode felt like I was back in 8th grade watching Jerry Springer. 😬
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Bri and her family are garbage. The only respectable one on there is Chels. I’m surprised she’s still on the show.
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@bigmama18, really? Wow. Well obviously no one was on Britney. She was following Kail the whole time. I didn’t notice jails friends there.

@jack.ass, I think the girls are going to start quitting and then it’ll be the end because they’ll start casting dumb people like Palin 🙄 honestly, that’s probably why they started the new teen show.
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mommynes, it’s really just turned into trash. Run its course... I bet it’s not on much longer
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mommynes, they did it on purpose. Kail posted on ig pictures of 4 security guards hold back her blonde friend (bone?) and no one on Brittany and nobody on Bri. I know Chelsea dipped out but she shouldn’t have to fear for her baby’s well-being at a reunion show.
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@bigmama18, right. Chelsea was gone so fast I didn’t even see her leave! But that might be because I was watching Britney’s crazy ass. Something mtv bodyguards failed to do. How tf did they let her sneak up behind Kail like that. It was definitely Jerry springer. I hope they fire Bri but keep Britney 😂

Leah was chillin the whole time 😂😂
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@jack.ass, kail thought she was bad 😂

But I totally agree. Kail thinks she’s better than a lot of people. For example, jenelle. I’m like both made your money off the same show and last time I checked you both have three baby daddies 🧐 at least jenelle is married to one of hers 😂

But don’t even get me started on jenelle 🙄
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
They both acted ratchet. Bri is trash. Kail needs to learn to keep her cool. Bri also tried to fight near a 6 month pregnant women. What if Chelsea accidentally got hit. How disgusting. They are too old for this shit and their children are old enough that they are going to hear about it.
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
That was ridiculous. They both need to grow the fuck up. Bri is a chicken shit, but Kail ain’t all she think she is. She thinks she’s better than Bri because she supports herself- no honey you’re still trash, the second you stoop as low you’re laying with the dogs.
10.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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