Does Anyone Know If your Child's Immunisation records show the child's age/ My Family are moving to Asheville Nc and We're flying with Spirit Airlines but we've had trouble obtaining her birth certificate what works?
@shayybear My mom is from two tribes she has Choctaw and Cherokee too so we both have a very distinct high cheek bone and basically large circular face lol 😁 why haven't you registered ?
@shayybear what reservation are you from ? I meant id's and it's more expensive since I didn't get her birth certificate before her first birthday it's 40 dollars that I don't have since i have to expedite it to get it faster instead of waiting a month
How does it make it more expensive? Both my girls are of native decent. I Went to a county clerk office and paid the same as everyone else.
It's often more expensive via online.
Also reservations have tribal ids. Not green cards.
@novaavalos00, oh wow I didn’t know that made it expensive. I would just call another time just to see if the next person at the airline says the same thing but I feel like you’ll probably be okay with the immunization record
@modom16 My Daughter Has native American blood so it's super expensive and I honestly dont.have the money but if I go my reservation in Asheville I'll get like a green card then order her birth certificate online I just need a green card for her which I can't get in california
@novaavalos00, we’ve flown spirit but not with kids. How come your having trouble getting the birth certificate? Won’t you need it before you move anyway
@modom16 I Have Called they said it would work I'm just concerned because they could pop up with some stupid excuse do you know anyone who has flyed by spirit airlines before with a baby