Ashley Kiniry
Ashley Kiniry
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Yay for world breastfeeding week 💖🤱 I wonder how many hours we have spent like this, cuddled up nursing, either to sleep, or because of a boo boo or a cold, or just because he needed extra love from momma. Going on 21 months, there is a world of difference nursing a toddler and an infant. It used to seem like he could live attached to me, at times I wanted to quit when it felt like there was rarely a time I wasn't needed or attached to my tiny baby. But now as much as he loves his milkies for the most part he would rather be up and playing with a cup of water or almond milk in his hand. I love my sweet boy so much, and there's nothing I would change about my choice to nurse into toddlerhood. He still comes to me for nourishment, comfort, and security. I used to be afraid of rude comments from people who don't understand why people choose to breastfeed, but if we don't talk about it and show it it will still be taboo and moms will feel like they should have to stop before they and their baby are ready. So to any moms out there who feel pressured into quitting the first few weeks, months, or anytime before they feel is right, keep on nursing! The only opinions that matter are your own and your child's.

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@charlottebellesmama you are seriously a super mom! Pumping so hard, I had to for a couple weeks in the beginning and I didnt know if I was gonna be able to keep it up. It's amazing you still did what you could for your little one to be so premature, way to go! ❤
02.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
You’re awesome! My daughter was a 25 week preemie and I always wished I could have had that connection with her. Sadly, I never got to breast feed, but I pumped like a mad lady. And I was proud to be able to at least provide my milk for her g tube. Hubby and I are trying for baby #2 and I hope I will finally have the chance to breast feed.
02.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sawyersmomma thanks 😊
02.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@cbrebelkat thank you! I'm sorry to hear your nursing was cut short, 2 and a half months is still an amazing accomplishment!
02.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
That's awesome. So proud of you. One of my best friends nursed her boy til year 2. I wasn't able. I dried up after 2 and a half months.
02.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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