Anyone else trying to decide a Halloween costume already XD I’m a huge savings type person so I’m trying to find out which costume so I can get pieces bit by bit
@heilwife317, lol same thing happened to me CX I said oh lord my baby has his daddy’s adhd all ready CX it’s so hard trying to get my husband to stay in a conversation I’m nervous with the little munchkin now CX
@cuddlebunny5246 haha. I had to go to the hospital 2 nights ago and they were doing monitoring and had to use 3 straps, they said he is the most active baby they have seen. I was like oh great! Lol hyperactive!
@heilwife317, lol scans are always exciting you get to see the little mover swim kick punch lol my little Noel kept moving and kicking the Doppler during the measurement scan
@heilwife317, lol there’s no telling cus I was supposably measuring on track but my new ob went back and looked at all my scans and it turned out that the whole pregnancy so far I’ve been measuring a week ahead CX
@cuddlebunny5246 haha daddy's boy already. We have our growth scan Monday and I can't wait to find out our little boy. All we have been told is he is measuring right on track by OB each appointment so idk what that will mean Monday. Yep I saw my baby's foot impression last night!
@heilwife317, lol the funny part is the baby is just that huge (hubby is 6’5) cus the other 2 are early angel babies but man they picked the hugest brother ever lol.
@cuddlebunny5246 I get the no way I am due in September because I am so small....I feel huge! But this is my 1st, of course you are probably bigger with #3. People seem to just forget everything about pregnancy and babies once they are past it. Lol oh and I put my foot down with his family (I don't have family) right away it wasn't an option unless I invited them to do so.
@heilwife317, lol sadly all the touching is my family feeling the new member XD and people saying how there is no way I’m due in nov cus my belly is to big
@cuddlebunny5246 haha yeah that part is true. I have had enough belly pats, rubs, and even pushes from strangers that I am just not willing to put it out there. Lol
@cuddlebunny5246 I like both those ideas. The belly exposed ones don't seem very realistic for Halloween time. Cold? Also a beacon for people wanting to touch you then!