My baby had her 18 month well check today and my pedi said she looks great and is right on track but that her head is on the bigger side (which I never thought it was) and to bring her back in 2 months to check the size again. He said depending on the size then she may need an MRI to rule out hydrocephalus and stuff like that. Has this happened to anyone else? Up until now he has never mentioned her head being big. In my opinion it’s not at all! It’s 19 cm in circumference and the average for a toddler is 16-18.

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My son has a huge head and his soft spot still needs to close and he's almost 3. The pedi said she worried about that with him too but he was fine.
01.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Possibly? Can you look back at what the measurements were over previous visits? My son's was 18.5" at 12m, so not much of an increase.

I know my son has always had a big head, but it's in proportion to his body and has stayed on pretty much the same curve.
01.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@nomli, i really never ever thought of her as having a big head. Unless he thinks it has spiked in growth? Now he has me all worried 😟
01.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
His head was 19" at 18 months, too, and no one said anything about it being too big.
01.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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