Rose Cook
Rose Cook
Moms, looking for some support...
hi moms! My first son is 2 1/2 months old, and he’s a very easy going baby and I’m a stay at home mom right now but to be 100% honest, I’m so exhausted. His dad works 5 days a week and on his days off he sleeps in until at LEAST 12 and I have had night duty with the baby every night since he was born because baby daddy works. I realize some of you are single moms or have it way worse than me but I’m just asking for some encouraging words because I feel so defeated and completely exhausted 😪 I have a headache and my entire body hurts from not getting proper rest and I’m basically in tears this morning because I feel like I shouldn’t be this tired and be able to do more. I feel like a bad mom :(

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@spookylyn, yes, I try communicating it the best way I know how, but he is only 19 and still trying to balance sleep, work, and parenthood so I take it pretty easy on him
25.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@rndmshtt, thank you so much, I really appreciate your kind words!! It is really hard, I feel as if I’m barely keeping up, but some days are better than others. Most of my days are actually really good, I think just lack of sleep is affecting me. I have been taking walks though and that helps a lot! Whenever I have a little spare energy I break out the stroller and walk around the block. Fresh air does great things
25.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
No girl, you are doing great and im sure you are doing the best you can. Being a stay at home mom is so hard. You take care of baby 24/7. The house. The husband. I was home for 8 weeks, and man that was tough!

Get some rest when you can. When your husband gets home, tell him to watch baby, so you can take a nice long shower / bath.

Go out for a walk with baby, and don’t be cooped up in the house all day long.
24.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
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