RANT!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
I have never been so mad in my life!!!!!
Last night at 3 a.m. my son peed in MY damn bed! How did he do that u ask...its bc my husband was the one who let him in our bed!!! I dont allow him to sleep with us bc he's a big boy and has his own bed, but ever since babygirl has got here my husband has been making exceptions.
My son is fully potty trained, and this is the first accident he has had since he was 2.5yo and perfecting potty training overnight. He was in a deep sleep, so much so that I had to physically pick him up and stand him up until he woke up. It INFURIATES me that the ONE time my daughter is sleeping a decent length of time through the night (which means so is mommy aka the cafeteria), my husband allows our son into our bed and not only does he have an accident...IT'S ON MY SIDE AND IT GETS ON ME!!!! It is the worst feeling ever being woke up by a warm feeling on your hip/butt area...knowing it's not your own fluids.
So at 3 in the morning, instead of sleeping while my newborn sleeps...I was up changing the sheets, showering him, showering me, and fixing the problem that I didn't create. I was so mad at my husband and son that I couldnt even speak to them. I legit did everything in silence as to not yell at them and risk waking the baby. Thankfully we have a mattress topper on, so our mattress was saved... But the damn mattress topper is f*cking memory foam so hopefully we can save it. I'm just so aggravated.
Oh and of course after all that is done...and I was back in bed...I COULDN'T F*CKIN SLEEP!!!! My son was in his room knocked out, my husband was knocked out next to me...and the baby was knocked out too. I didnt get back to sleep until 412am...and she woke up to eat at 5.
I wanna be a dad for 1 day so he can see what #momlife is really about!!! Oh and if ur wondering...this morning my husband is washing all the clothes/sheets/mattress toppers...and I'm still in bed. Why??? Bc f*ck him right now...that's why!!!!
Ok...rant over.