RANT!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

I have never been so mad in my life!!!!!

Last night at 3 a.m. my son peed in MY damn bed! How did he do that u ask...its bc my husband was the one who let him in our bed!!! I dont allow him to sleep with us bc he's a big boy and has his own bed, but ever since babygirl has got here my husband has been making exceptions.

My son is fully potty trained, and this is the first accident he has had since he was 2.5yo and perfecting potty training overnight. He was in a deep sleep, so much so that I had to physically pick him up and stand him up until he woke up. It INFURIATES me that the ONE time my daughter is sleeping a decent length of time through the night (which means so is mommy aka the cafeteria), my husband allows our son into our bed and not only does he have an accident...IT'S ON MY SIDE AND IT GETS ON ME!!!! It is the worst feeling ever being woke up by a warm feeling on your hip/butt area...knowing it's not your own fluids.

So at 3 in the morning, instead of sleeping while my newborn sleeps...I was up changing the sheets, showering him, showering me, and fixing the problem that I didn't create. I was so mad at my husband and son that I couldnt even speak to them. I legit did everything in silence as to not yell at them and risk waking the baby. Thankfully we have a mattress topper on, so our mattress was saved... But the damn mattress topper is f*cking memory foam so hopefully we can save it. I'm just so aggravated.

Oh and of course after all that is done...and I was back in bed...I COULDN'T F*CKIN SLEEP!!!! My son was in his room knocked out, my husband was knocked out next to me...and the baby was knocked out too. I didnt get back to sleep until 412am...and she woke up to eat at 5.

I wanna be a dad for 1 day so he can see what #momlife is really about!!! Oh and if ur wondering...this morning my husband is washing all the clothes/sheets/mattress toppers...and I'm still in bed. Why??? Bc f*ck him right now...that's why!!!!

Ok...rant over.

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@ladya16, goodjob mamas 👏🏻
24.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@rndmshtt girl he is at the grocery store this very moment and he will be coming back cooking us lunch!!! Lmao
24.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ladya16, hahaha make him cook too girl! while yu get your rest 😭😂
24.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@rndmshtt lmao. U right I shoulda did that! And u totally agree about the sleep thing! I for sure stared at him for a hot minute like "no this punkass man ain't sleep" lol
24.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Girl, you should have cleaned yourself up and let him clean the bed, and your son. I would have also been livid. I’d probably haul that mattress topper outside of the house, throw that ish out, make him buy a new one 😖 And if i aint sleeping, best believe he better not be sleeping either 🤣
24.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@aussiexjane that makes me feel better that my husband isn't the only one who would do this ignorant crap lol
24.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I'm glad u feel better. Trust me u are not alone. My husband would do some dumb stuff like that too so I totally get it
24.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ek620 girl!!! That is my exact point. Like dont risk waking the baby or the exhausted mommy!!! I love them both to life...but coulda throat punched the sh*t outta each of them for this lmao
24.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@aussiexjane your absolutely right. All moms r freaking super heroes. I do feel alot calmer now that I've had a bite to eat and got dressed. Ugh...the things us moms put up with lol
24.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ladya16, yeah I get that I’m the same way lol
24.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Ohhh I’d be so mad! Even if your son didn’t wet the bed there’s still a chance he could’ve waken your daughter in the middle of the night by sneezing, coughing, whatever. But the bed wetting just makes it all worse! If your husband doesn’t want your son to feel left out then he can go sleep in his room with him!
24.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yea the last part had me rollin too bt keep ur head up mom. This is gonna pass. I get angry like that too and then a lil while later I'm like ok I'm good lol it's hard being moms bt somehow we put our capes on and make it work.
24.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mombie. I was so mad I just needed to get everything done and done right the first time. And my husband was half sleep throughout this whole ordeal so I know he woulda pissed me off even more had he messed something up
24.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sadie.w lol. Girl I'm too mad at his ass right now. I just need to lay in my bed and zen out a bit before we start talking to each other again. Lol
24.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Bless your heart man I would kicked him outta bed and made him clean it all and I woulda went back to bed he let him in the bed he shoulda been the one to clean your son and bedding 🤷‍♀️ especially if your the one up with the newborn during the night.
24.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
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