Arian Gray
Need to pack a hospital bag but I really don't know what to put in there. What are the necessities I should take and what are some things not all that important?
5.8 лет

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For baby 2 sleepers with beanies. They'll provide everything for baby! I overpacked😩 as for yourself I would just take a going home outfit I found that being in the gown while they would go in and check me for bleeding no pants is easier. Your toothbrush, shampoo&conditioner, face wash, hairbrush, phone chargers. Make sure you take home all the items they provide you with for postpartum they helped me so much at home!

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For baby 2 sleepers with beanies. They'll provide everything for baby! I overpacked😩 as for yourself I would just take a going home outfit I found that being in the gown while they would go in and check me for bleeding no pants is easier. Your toothbrush, shampoo&conditioner, face wash, hairbrush, phone chargers. Make sure you take home all the items they provide you with for postpartum they helped me so much at home!

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My first couple kids I crazy over packed. Now it’s just basics. Outfit for newborn pics, sleeper to come home in. Change of clothes and undies for me. Toothbrush. Phone chargers.

I’m barely in hospital 24 hours and they provide everything I need. If I have to pay for it regardless if I use or not you can guarantee I will be using it.

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