@amberspringer yeah for me it's just being overwhelmed all the time and like crying in the middle of the night I get so worried I won't be the mom he needs .. anytime I accidentally scratch him with my nails while changing him I get so emotional ..and he's circumcised so I'm already knowing he is uncomfortable ...he's a good baby though
@momismejune26, with mine, it was an attachment issue. I felt like my baby was a stranger. Like I couldn’t love her like I did my other. So I tried so hard, I prayed and prayed, then I decided to vent about it to my husband. After that, it went away. Now the baby is my little sidekick and we are never apart unless she’s at school. I was very lucky that mine didn’t need meds or anything. My friend has it and didn’t know what it was until I told her. She is working with the dr on trying to get past it.
I have three kids now and with all I have experienced mixed emotions, anxious at times. This time it’s a little more just because I’m dealing with c-section recovery which it’s my first. Mine would taper off as time went by I just tried to keep my mind occupied and having family and friends to talk to once in a while mAde me feel better. My last pregnancy my cousin had a baby three days apart from mine and that’s helped because we could talk to each other.