Maria Doucette
Maria Doucette
Stretch Marks...

For all you twin mamas who ended up with the dreaded stretch marks, when did they show up? I am going on 23 weeks and I don't have any as of yet. I know they are coming but want to book in a photo shoot before I'm 'all marked up' haha.

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Thanks ladies I appreciate the info. Yeah I'm not sure yet if I want them in the shot or not but your right I can see how they turn out then make decision on touch ups.
12.04.2014 Нравится Ответить
I still have stretch marks from my son. But I'm 15+6 weeks and I haven't gotten any new ones yet.
But with my son I did maternity pictures and I had them all over but I actually didn't mind after seeing them. I thought I would but I actually liked seeing them because I wanted pictures of how I really looked. But u can have them make the picture darker so they don't show as much.
12.04.2014 Нравится Ответить
I agree 30-31 or so for me my son kepps trying to pick them off lol hes confused
12.04.2014 Нравится Ответить
31 or so!!! :( btw, your photographer should be able to photoshop them out if you are concerned!
12.04.2014 Нравится Ответить
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