Your baby could still turn around I wouldn't worry about it until your about 37 or 38 wks. If baby is not unbreeched by then your doctor will try to turn the baby if you want them too.
With my last pregnancy I read to get on all fours (hands and knees) for a few minutes. I'm almost sure that's what turned my baby because he only turned after I did it and that was about 2 days before I delivered. The whole pregnancy he had stayed breech and transverse. You can look up ideas on spinning babies. If I remember correctly that's the name of the website
@shaymamabear your welcome! I hope it works. I'm pretty sure you can also look up online other positions or things to do to move a breeched baby before due date
Not pregnant but when I was I had an antenatal class and the midwife said to lay on your back with your butt touching the wall, put your feet on the wall and do little lifts from the position. Best thing of a is your partner can help you with this especially the getting down and back up