i go in for my c-section at 5:30 tomorrow moring what should i expect

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Get your favorite meal in and have a bowel movement, lol like seriously.
26.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Everything they said ^^ but also you will have gas trapped in your abdomen and it hurts like crap and I also coughed alot after I had mine done. Which also was painful! They gave me a little pillow that was curved to push against my stomach. It helped so much! And also the girdle wrap thing they give. I got my nurses to always wrap it around me tight cause that's the only way I felt comfortable. Walk as much as possible afterwards! No matter how much pain you're in. You'll heal faster. Just take it slow. And also keep your incision clean everyday after they give you the ok. No soaking in a bathtub though Just showers
26.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yes. You'll be numbed so you won't feel any pain, just pressure, really. You'll have a catheter. You may hear weird sounds, like squishes and splats, I tried very hard not to listen. I had an anxiety attack after he was born, while they were stitching me up, and was shaking so hard that they had to give me something like Xanax.

The meds they give after are amazing, you'll be sore, and you won't be allowed to eat anything solid for a while. They'll want you to get up and walk around. The first poop sucks, but you'll be given colace to help.

The recovery itself wasn't too bad, as long as I didn't overdo anything, but I also didn't have another child to care for.

When you go home, try and have a pillow in the car to hold against your abdomen. It helps any pain while going over bumps.
26.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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