So my daughters pedi said to give my lo 6ml of amoxicillin 2 times a day she’s a doc and I’m sure it’s fine but I’ve never heard of this before ? She’s only 6 weeks
@mommyof3babies2016, honestly every doctor prescribes a little differently. They all have certain meds they tend to prefer, and some are more likely to always give the higher dose range or the lower range. The original doctor who prescribed it might just be used to doing the higher range, and the second opinion might usually do a lower dose. Doesn’t always mean one is wrong, depending on the medication! But it’s definitely important as parents to always question everything so good for you for looking into it after your SIL mentioned it!
@mommyof3babies2016, that’s what I needed! So she’s getting 60mg a day, which is on the lower side of normal dosage for her weight. Definitely still get another opinion if you want to though. I’m a nurse so all I did was compare your daughters dose with the normal range for her weight.
That’s how my son was I took him to like 45 different doctors cause I thought they’re wrong and then they did an x-ray and they did a swab for the influenza and RSV and it came back positive ask for the swab