Tessa Fowler
Tessa Fowler

What Are Your Favorites and Preferences?

▪️First Job - Movie Gallery
▪️Dream Job - Forensic Scientist or Bookkeeper
▪️Astrological Sign - Cancer
▪️Favorite pizza - Hawaiian with olives and Extra pineapple
▪️Favorite dog - Husky / Alaskan Malamute
▪️Favorite footwear - Heels / Wedges
▪️Favorite candy - Sour Patch Kids & White Chocolate
▪️Favorite Ice Cream - Mint n Chip
▪️Pet peeve - Rude People & Made to Feel Stupid
▪️What vehicle do you drive - '06 Dodge Magnum
▪️How tall are you- 5’6
▪️Favorite tv show - at the moment Bull (when I get to)
▪️Lefty or Righty - Lefty
▪️Dream Vacation - Rain Forest or A Beach
▪️Favorite kind of music- depends on the mood I love all music if its good
▪️Favorite Holiday - None
▪️Night Owl or Early Bird - Night Owl but wish I was an Early Bird
▪️Favorite day of week - Friday
▪️Tattoos & how many - 3; foot, back & wrist
▪️Piercings & how many - ears now, bellybutton before kids
▪️Like to cook - Sometimes
▪️Can you drive a stick shift? Nooooo
▪️Favorite color - Royal Purple & Deep Red
▪️Do you like vegetables - Yes
▪️Do you wear glasses - Yes
▪️Favorite season - Spring / Summer

Someone do this with me! Just Copy and Paste on your Status and type in your answers.

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