Natalie Sanchez
Ladies,how much solid food do you give your baby? Do you feed them once a day or do you do breakfast, lunch, and dinner? And besides formula... My baby is 7 months.
5.9 лет

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Along with formula, I give my baby breakfast and lunch, other days I do breakfast and dinner. It depends on how the day is going and how much I have going on.

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Along with formula, I give my baby breakfast and lunch, other days I do breakfast and dinner. It depends on how the day is going and how much I have going on.

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I usually do formula when she wakes up and then some cereal with a 2 oz fruit. For lunch 1 2oz veggie and 1 2oz fruit with formula about 4 to 6 oz. And for dinner we do a dinner gerber with fruit and before she goes to sleep a 6 oz formula....
Is that allot?

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At 7 months, my boy gets a bottle, then we give him about 2 Oz of baby food during the day. At night, he gets his bottle, and then some oatmeal with baby food mixed in.

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Mines 6 months but he gets purees twice a day with his formula. We do breakfast and dinner

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