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@vintageteaspoon, finished product of our teachers gift! 🤗

To all of the educators here, thank you so much! It takes a very special person to teach our children. We had a horrible teacher last year and it made me appreciate and realize the difference that a great teacher can make in a student. As parents we don’t say it enough so here it is on behalf of your students ever grateful parents, THANK YOU FOR MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN OUR CHILDRENS LIVES! ❤️

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@mommynes, I completely understand. I hope that next year you have another wonderful teacher! It makes all of the difference 💕
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@oddie, good for you! I wish I would have been more vocal but I’m so emotional I would have just had a meltdown if I confronted her teacher 😒 lol ugh homeschooling sounds better and better. I would just be terrified that she doesn’t learn anything and it’ll be my fault ya know? It’s a scary thing to take on. So much kudos to you and other homeschool parents!! 👏
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mommynes, yeah, and needless to say I wasn’t her favorite parent because I was on her ass all year. After that conference, I did one of my own reading drills with him and sent a video along with my own scoring of his reading to the principal and copied the teacher. I asked the principal if she’d like to let me know why his teacher was threatening to hold him back on an accusation for an inability to read. I challenged them both to rescore the video and let me know if my calculations were accurate or not. (We were reading a Goosebumps book which is above his grade level so clearly he was a bit beyond the kinder level work she was claiming he was struggling with.)

My boys absolutely loved homeschool. We started out the transition with an online public school through It helped me learn the ropes while I researched how to do it on my own. It is free, gave the materials and curriculum and had teachers there for us if needed. So that was nice. If need be, I’d consider them again if I feel homeschooling entirely on my own becomes too much.

All year my boys asked to go back to homeschooling. They all felt they learned more, especially about topics they loved, and that they had more time to sleep, ate better, got sick less often and they had more free time for their hobbies and friends.

Contrary to popular belief, my kids socialized a lot. We often finished all of our work rather early in the day and some of the classes I did were more life skills such as gardening, cooking, fishing- things like that. So after the mandatory things were done for the day we often had scheduled play dates or would go to a park or some kind of kids place so my boys could get out energy and meet new faces. It’s funny because since we lived in this house for almost ten years, my boys were already friends with a good portion of neighborhood kids just because we are an active and outdoor family, so they only made a couple new friends this year. Everyone else they already have know for years.

Anyway, I am in Arizona and we are notorious for not having the best education in the country. I hope to see that improve and I am pretty actively involved in things pertaining to that. I think we should continue to have freedom to homeschool but I fight for the public school systems to improve as well.
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Love it! I forgot to take a picture of ours 😩 My SO made her one that said “the influence of a good teacher can never be erased” and then we got her an amazon gift card. She loved it! Thanks for the idea!
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@oddie, WOW! First parent conference and she already made up her mind she was holding him back. And she made him have an accident! That was no doubt horrifying for him. These stories are making me so mad and sad. I wish I could homeschool but I feel like my daughter wouldn’t learn from me. Plus she loves going to school. How do your older boys do with the homeschooling?
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
I love this gift nes! It’s super cute.

I’m sorry about the craptastic teacher in the past. My oldest had a horrible teacher for kinder so we decided to homeschool. Last year we decided to try public school again. Three of my boys had great teachers but my second grader had an awful teacher. He has ADHD too. The first parent teacher conference we had she told us that he was frustratingly slow, can’t read (he could but he needs extra help) and that she was likely going to hold him back. Then she made fun of him because he asked when they get to go home. She said it was ridiculous and would be a long year if he’s bugging her by 11. Oh and she wouldn’t let him go poop so he had an accident in his pants one day. I wish they’d fire her. We are homeschooling again next year but I truly appreciated the other three wonderful teachers. That lady, I’d still like to punch her. She’d send him home with books he had been able to read since he was like four... and when I’d demand more advanced books she’d tell me he can’t read yet. So i requested he be placed in resources for reading (extra help class) so he can catch up and she told me no. She said other kids were more worrisome than him so she said he just needed to try harder. My poor kid came home telling me he’s dumb almost every day because if he asked the teacher to help with a word she’d roll her eyes and say she didn’t have time to read it all to him
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@whatheshell, Etsy! If you type in printable teacher appreciation tons of super cute things come up and they’re all between $5-$10. I got the picture and the bath bomb thing for less than $10. I don’t have a printer so I had it printed at fedex but it was still cheap. 👍
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@hershey, wow. Again, it’s baffling why these teachers are still teaching! Especially if they hate their jobs! If you’re a miserable, impatient teacher then please for the sake of our children, stop teaching. Or at least teach an older grade so you don’t tarnish the little ones. This just goes to show how many bad teachers their are out there and it breaks my heart for our children. I’m sorry poor Brook had to deal with that so young. ❤️
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@0814mja, I’m so sorry! That’s so awful. As teachers they should understand the huge impact on their students. It doesn’t take much to break their fragile confidence and we’re left with the aftermath and trying to bring it back up. I hope your daughter is able to conquer math and school in general. ❤️
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
We had the worst kindergarten teacher for Brook this year. I'm incrediably upset that the first stepping stone (besides preschool) of structured learning was tarnished by this teacher. I asked her if she would like to do kindergarten again and she said no. DD told me, "Dont put DS in her class." A six year old. You know the teacher was bad when not one parent requested pictures with her or even walked up to thank her. Our school nurse is refusing to allow her child in class. Paras do not want to work in the same class as her. I could go on and on. Thank goodness there are the good ones ❤

Btw, I love this.
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Can I ask how you made the sign
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Ugh poor thing! That's awful.. We've had mostly awesome teachers.. DD1 had a 3rd grade teacher that was tough to deal with. Because of her I can not do anything to help dd get her confidence up to do math for the life of me. So since then she struggles with math. Her past 1st grade teacher is supposed to tutor her this summer so I hope that helps.
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mommynes, oh my goodness, that sounds horrible! I'm so glad your daughter had a better experience this school year. And you did a lovely job with the teacher gifts, she will love them! ❤️
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mims, lol you know my struggles! It was absolutely awful. If anything good has come of the situation I now realize I didn’t appreciate the good teachers she had before and will definitely never take them for granted again!
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mommynes, who do I need to hurt? I couldn't imagine! I know Emery can be difficult but we have been blessed with amazingly patient teachers the past 2 years.
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@whoswhoo, I wonder the same thing! It makes me so mad and sad for all of her future students. This was 3rd grade. She had no patience at all! And I understand my daughter can be very frustrating. I have to take deep breaths doing homework with her all the time lol but it’s not her fault and her teacher of all people shouldn’t be talking down to her. Her teacher this last year was so patient and completely understood my daughters needs and personality. I want to put her in my pocket and keep her forever 😂😭

And yes, this teacher almost condoned bullying! These mean kids never got in trouble but the kids they bullied would get yelled at instead 🙄 🤬
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mommynes, what a pathetic teacher! Sorry your daughter had to endure all of that. She definitely needs to be schooled on positive reinforcement instead of belittling. Sometimes, I wonder how some teachers keep their job. This one obviously isn’t patient enough. What grade was this? I can not stand when kids are mean to each other...seems as if this teacher pushed for it.
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
So sweet
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@whoswhoo, so much. My daughter has adhd and doesn’t work at the same pace as the other students and her teacher would constantly tell her that she was too slow and wasn’t trying. She had a few girls in her class that would bully her and make her cry and I wrote a letter to her teacher and told her I didn’t want these children at the same table as my daughter. She wrote me back a note and said “they aren’t mean to her. She takes too long doing things so they help her but ok, I’ll move them” and then literally the next week she made one of the girls my daughters partner. I took the issue to the principal and she changed her partner. And these girls weren’t helping her. They would tell her she was a slow poke and too dumb to put her papers away so they literally took her work out of her hands and shoved it into her backpack everyday. One time she thought my daughter threw her papers away and my daughter explained to her she had put them in her folder but her teacher said she didn’t. I walked into the class because my daughter was late and she was on the floor digging through the trash can for her paper. I asked her where her paper was and she went to her folder and pulled it out and her teacher said “oh, I thought she threw it” I was so livid I almost cried and went straight to the principal. The principal said she wasn’t digging in the trash, it was a recycle bin 😒 This teacher not only put my daughter down but several other students. If they didn’t know a math problem she would tell them they were ridiculous and should know these things. A little boy couldn’t double knot his shoe during track and she laughed at him in front of the students and us parents and told him he was “ridiculous”. Trust me, I get that as a teacher you probably think as a parent I don’t get the teacher but no. She was a mean, impatient, very rude teacher.

I could go on forever but this is long enough 😂
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’m curious to know what constituted the teacher being horrible. I’m a nosy teacher lol. Very thoughtful gift though! Hope your child keeps getting good teachers :)
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Aw so cute!
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
So cute! I would love getting this from a family.
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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