My 5 day old is getting very upset stomachs, she is breast fed, I’ve read that maybe my let down is too forceful for her? Any tips or help on this? My tiny baby just screams and her tummy bubbles and I hate seeing her in pain.
@paislees_momma, If you see that her tummy continues to bother her and nothing helps you can try eliminating dairy, as a lot of women do. See how she does and kind of go off by that. That irritates some babies tummies and of coarse high fiber foods like broccoli. If it persists I suggest you let her pediatrician know. My daughter would get colicky so they told me to try bicycles to let her release her gasses.
If you’re very engorged than chances are, your let downs are forceful. Best tip is to pump a little before feeding her. You also want to check how often she’s having bowel movements just in case she’s constipated and sometimes what we eat can get them colicky.