First cervix check 34 weeks and 6 days and I’m 2cm dilated and 70% effected. Honestly with all the problems I’m having this baby can’t come fast enough. (Not wishing to have or deliver a preterm baby, I’m still hoping to go full term)
Side not- I love the name Rowan. It’s one of my faves. Anyway. Pregnancy is rough man, totes sucks ass but for the sake your child’s well being I hope the little one can cook longer. I’m sure since you’ve had a preemie you understand that. ❤️
You still have over a month, even though you've got problems right now a baby born pre term will bring more:( can you treat yourself to a spa day every so often or some self care and relaxation for the rest of your time?
My first two were very calm non stressed pregnancies. I delivered the first at 42 (age5) weeks and my second (age4) at 41 weeks. Both were natural and I had a quick recovery. The worst I had was swollen feet and mild crotch pain..
My third and most recent (2months), was normal symptoms like morning sickness early on and tiredness. But by the time I was 5 months my Obgyn said I had hbp and put me on labetalol. My pelvic pain was horrible, it hurt to stand, walk, sit, lay , everything! So I know how u feel. I just wanted the days to fly by quick lol. I was induced by week 36 because my amniotic fluid was very low. Turned out I had to get induced and possibly end up in a c section. But she came in at 4lbs very tiny but healthy. She's now 9lbs lol. It can be difficult and frustrating. But it's almost over!!
@raquely, pains are seriously no joke, I just think some women don’t get it cause there pregnancy’s are all rainbow and butterflies but that’s not the case for all of us. And I’d never wish for her to be born unhealthy or be a preterm or try to induce myself. I know better then that. I went dont the NICU road once because my doctor induced me early with my first pregnancy it was thee scariest experience of my life hands down and would never want that again.
Side not- I love the name Rowan. It’s one of my faves. Anyway. Pregnancy is rough man, totes sucks ass but for the sake your child’s well being I hope the little one can cook longer. I’m sure since you’ve had a preemie you understand that. ❤️
@glencocoroachqueen, dear lord lady get your panties out of your ass. I never once said I wanted another preterm baby in fact it’s the farthest thing I want all I said was this baby can’t come fast enough meaning i can’t wait until I reach full term and deliver.
@tipsymermaid, between having pre-e and leaking fluids. My doctor doesn’t think I’ll make it full term the past week my vag has literally been swollen shut it feel like I have two large painful size baseballs on the outside of my vag and extreme pressure and contractions also. decreased fetal movement, she just wanted to make sure that the contractions and pressure were causing any extreme changes down there I think
@raquely, yea right seems like everyone’s getting there panties in a bunch. I know it’s best for the baby to stay in, I never said I was trying to make her come out.
You still have over a month, even though you've got problems right now a baby born pre term will bring more:( can you treat yourself to a spa day every so often or some self care and relaxation for the rest of your time?