Sometimes I think I hate my husband.
I just feel like nothing I do is good enough. I am slacking doing house work, but in my defense I'm getting home an hour later than he is and he's got the food already ready, I still do all of the laundry and most of the other stuff. I dress our children for school 90% of the time and for bed 75% of the time, I put them down half the time and I bathe and brush their teeth 100% of the time. Today he came home from work (doing extra work, NOT REQUIRED OR SCHEDULED) and was mad because my younger sister and I were playing Galaga and dinner wasn't ready ? so I microwaved the dinner (that he requested), then he was on the phone with his dad and he said "I have to go because I have to plate up my own food because my wife is playing galaga and I've been working for 8 hours". Seriously? This was my only day off this weekend and I woke up with the girls at 6, so he could sleep in, I kept them quiet and did laundry and cleaning all day today. My sister came over around 4 and we did laundry and played galaga. Is it really that big of a deal? I just don't understand. Oh and the trash was overflowing because our four year old put a box on top of it and apparently that was a big deal too. He made such a big deal about not having dinner ready the moment he got home and I just feel like it's not that big of a deal. He does have dinner ready for me when I get home majority of the time, but I'm also not home until around 7 every night, I do cook but not nearly as much as he does. When I was a stay at home mom I did everything LITERALLY, and even when I worked closer to home I did most of the cooking and cleaning and still took majority of the care of our children.