crying help

My twins r 5 months old and they still cry like newborns.
9.2 лет

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If you are ever able to take them to a chiropractor, see if you can find a "corrective chiropractor" (there's maybe 500 of them in the US) who is trained to treat babies. Mine is and he helped our son, who couldn't walk or run well until the chiropractor straightened out his hips. He was maybe 18 months when we started going but I've seen him treat newborns and up too. They all love it once they know what he does for them. The first time they're a little unsure tho.
I hope something helps soon!!!

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If you are ever able to take them to a chiropractor, see if you can find a "corrective chiropractor" (there's maybe 500 of them in the US) who is trained to treat babies. Mine is and he helped our son, who couldn't walk or run well until the chiropractor straightened out his hips. He was maybe 18 months when we started going but I've seen him treat newborns and up too. They all love it once they know what he does for them. The first time they're a little unsure tho.
I hope something helps soon!!!

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They can't suck so the milk would have to come out fast enough on its own for it to work. If it doesn't come out fast enough then they will try and suck which won't work so it would make them work to hard and not get enough calories for that feeding.
So if I were to find a sippy cup like that then we could. But I'm not sure which one would do that

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Oh man I hope you figure this out! You said they may take in more air bc of the cleft, what about a sippy cup? Is that even a option? I don't know.. But I think tommy tippee makes one with handles and I think it says starting at 4 months.
Sorry if this isn't helpful at all, I have no experience with clefts but It just popped into my head so u thought I'd throw it out there

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I thought about the daily thing but I don't usually eat or drink dairy to much.
Their bottles are 8 ounces and they drink about 4.5 ounces. We can't really switch bottles because they can only use certain ones because of them having cleft. We have tried feeding less and more frequently but that make their tummies worse.
This all might be just because they have cleft and take in alot of air and if that's the case there is nothing we can do till their palate is fixed, which isn't till 12 to 14 months. I think after their lip surgery I'm going to make an appointment for a chiropractor and have them talk to my husband and maybe he will change his mind.
They r very happy babies but when they cry it's hard to settle them and they usually get like that when it's close to feeding, and the thing that's hard is they don't show hunger signs before they cry. They just start crying without warning.
Today we fed them every 3 hours and it seemed ok, but now I just have to see how it is over night and tomorrow. We have tried doing this before and they got so fussy the next day. Feeding is so hard with them and I thought by now it would be easier.

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Could they possibly have a dairy and/or soy allergy?
How large are their bottles? Maybe smaller bottles, more often? It sounds like discomfort if they are crying like newborns.
My husband was not on board with a chiropractor for almost 2 years. I finally just took her and she is doing A LOT better (I am getting a couple of hours of consecutive sleep!). My daughter was born 9lb5oz and I am petite (5'1"), so she was crammed in there and has a pretty jammed up neck. Id bet that twins were probably fighting for space! If you do take them, try to get a referral to someone that specializes in pediatric chiropractic care.
I hope that things get better soon! You are my hero for pumping for twins and caring for a toddler!

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So today I'm going to write down each time they feed so I can see what a normal day is and then go from there.

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I want to do a chiropractor but my husband is not on board yet

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Oh milly I feel for you!! I'm sure you're doing your utmost. It's hard when you have three. It just is.
DS would want to nurse any time he didn't feel well--be it teething, reflux, cold, wet, lonely, anything. Maybe that's what your twins are doing with the bottle?? Do try the cold wet wash cloth, different textures of teething rings, etc. to see if that helps. It's possible the medicine still isn't quite the right one. Maybe baby massage, or seeing a chiropractor could help? I'm sorry if this isn't helpful. I hope you find a way to help them soon!

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I'll try the wash cloth and see if that helps.
They use to take the pacifier but they just stopped and now they don't like it.
I'm sure a big part is because there's 3 kids and I can't give each of them all the attention they want.

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Yes they are in meds for it and it doesn't work to much, we have switched a couple times and this one works better then the other.
Not sure about the teething, I haven't noticed anything in their mouth.

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Are they on meds for reflux? My son had reflux and cried for the first 9 months of his life. I tried every trick I read - hold them upright for 30 min after feeding, don't oversees, etc - and nothing seemed to work. It wasn't until they switched him to some pretty potent meds that he finally calmed down and didn't cry all the time.

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Is it possible they are teething? Maybe a frozen washcloth or frozen bm or formula?

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I'm still pumping for them, they get babe formula half breast milk because of my low supply.
They both have reflux, and yes they were 4 weeks early. We've tried doing more feedings but it makes their reflux worse

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Do they possibly have tummy issues and are having upset stomachs from something in the breast milk or formula?

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Both of mine nursed every two hours or less too. Also my baby cried more than her sister just because it's hard juggling more than one kid.

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