Keto diet.. I’m jumping on the bandwagon. I usually don’t follow fad diets, but this one seems attainable. I NEED a change. I’m desperate at this point. If anyone is willing to give me some recipes, tips, or advice I would love to hear it. I’m trying to be positive about this so I will actually be able to do it. My main concern is lunch because I will have to take my lunch everyday to work. Sooo, anyone here willing to help a bb sista out? 😊
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@jenn_14_m, haha glad I could help!

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@jenn_14_m, haha glad I could help!

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@rnjohnson2116, thanks! This helped me finally figure out how to get added to group chats 😂

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@rnjohnson2116, thanks! I found it and joined also.

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@jenn_14_m, never mind it won’t let me, it’s the 6th post back though. Just go through the comments and there is one that has a link to join the group

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@jenn_14_m, if you go to @mom.life_usa, and scroll back like three posts I think, there is a list of all the group chats that you can join. I might be able to tag you, I’ll try :)

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@rnjohnson2116, what do you mean when you say the last group chat post? I’m not sure how to find that!

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There’s also a keto group chat on here, small-not overwhelming, if you go to the last group post by mom.life there is a link to join the chat in the comments!

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I just started too! Day 5 for me and love it so far! My best tips are to go on YouTube, find Ashley Salvatore (24karatketo), and watch all her videos! Then make a grocery list, get rid of the sugar carbs in your house (if you can-kids/hubby may not be able to), and jump right in. Keep up your electrolytes and water to avoid keto flu (salt foods, take magnesium supp & multivitamin). Advise for work meals...meal prep! Just get into the habit of it and it will be easy and just become a part of your week :) Feel free to follow me on Instagram if you have one, I like to post meals there now~rnjohnson2116 ☺️

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@stormyy14, stormy, I followed you! I don't know if you recognize me but I was in the bb make up group!

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@jenn_14_m, sounds good!! Thanks girl 😊

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Found you stormy! You are gorgeous and your progress is inspirational! I'm going to pm you here. 😊

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@koopa, do you have Pinterest? Seriously awesome for finding recipes! You can also download the my fitness pal app to help you track what you are eating. You want to have roughly 70% fat, 20% protein and 10% carbs by the end of the day (some people use slightly different numbers depending on what works for them and if they are counting carbs or net carbs)- the app will break it all down for you. Then, you pretty much just eat when you’re hungry. Some people add in fasting and other options, but you don’t have to worry about that to get started!

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@Stormy what about us that don't have insta 😭😭 that's amazing weight loss! I have the will power to do it but I don't know what or how often to be eating. 😭

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@diaryofjane, and no problem! Feel free to message me any time- we can keep each other on track! ☺️

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@diaryofjane, well, even without cooking help, it’s still great to not have to watch someone else constantly eating your favourite junk foods in front of you! One of my favourite dinner dishes to make is fried cauliflower rice. It really changes things up from the standard “meat and side of veggies” rut I sometimes get into. The Costco here has cauliflower that’s already been riced so it makes it a really quick meal- plus you can make tons and have it for lunch leftovers without making a separate lunch meal. You can use it to make all kinds of rice dishes, Indian, Chinese or even as a side. I also like to make ribs in the slow cooker with mashed turnip on the side (mixed with mayo and Montreal steak spice gives it a nice creamy flavour). One of hubby’s favourites is “chicken bacon ranch”- we bake the chicken with bacon laid overtop, slathered in ranch and cheddar cheese on top... also a great one for lunch leftovers!

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