Is IUD an option?

After this baby I want something secure that would prevent me from getting pregnant. Any of you ladies had an experience with copper IUD ?
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I had the paraguard and it was awful for me. My periods were long and heavy with extreme cramps which is not something I've ever had mine are light and mild. I had pain during sex. I hated it so much the cramps were so bad I missed work during my periods.

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I had the paraguard and it was awful for me. My periods were long and heavy with extreme cramps which is not something I've ever had mine are light and mild. I had pain during sex. I hated it so much the cramps were so bad I missed work during my periods.

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I had the mirena for almost 5 years after my second kid. I LOVED IT. It stayed in place, rarely had a period. Only maybe 6 a year. And even then a period would last a day. Skin was better. So much better!! I'll be getting it again after this baby.

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I had gotten the mirena before even having kids it caused me a lot of pain I had it put in place in August of 2012 then removed because of the pain I was going through in Feb of 2013 they could not find it so I had to have a d&c to remove it so ya I did not like it look up information online about it before you pick what you want

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I had the copper IUD 10year one after my second baby then 11 months later i got pregnancy with the IUD on and it cause me to have an etopic pregnancy and they baby was to big in my tube it started to bust so they had to remove it and with only 1 tube left and 3 months later i end up pregnant again ! I had to issues with the IUD but no birth control is 100% there is always that .1% my DR said i was the 1 in every 100 women that could get pregnant on an IUD ! The copper has no hormones so it doesnt cause weight loss or gain and it comfortable you forget its even in there !

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Also paragard is the copper one i dont do false hormones

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Yes i had paragard 6months b4 this pregnancy .... (had it removed) getting another one after ;) no hormones last for 10years had no pain my periods were not worse it was easy

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I loved the copper iud! Some women do have a reaction to the copper though, I had both paragard (the copper one) and mirena and I am going back to the paragard afrer this pregnancy. I actually got pregnant with this baby on the mirena and it is still embedded in my uterine wall and had a ton of side effects from it. I had the paragard for the full 10 years and didn't have an issues other than my periods being heavier for the first 6 months or so. But everyone has different experiences with the iud's.

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I had the mirana for 2 1/2 years I thought I was good to go for the 2 1/2 years left....welp I was wrong my baby boy is due june 22, so that didn't work, plus I still have the mirana in and it can't be removed until baby is born so its just floating around my doctor keeps an eye in it.

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All of my friends who had it got an infections or had pain bc it was embedded in their tissue. They all had bad experience so I'm afraid. When my time comes I will make my hubby get snipped.

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I had the copper one. I bled for over 2 months and got it taken out at 2 1/2 months because i was just done with it. Hubby said he could feel the strings although I'm not sure if that's 100% true or if he was just saying that. I had a bad experience with it and i won't do it again. My friend got the merina and hated it too. She bled for 4 months with it. Now that its over though she says likes it. I was on the mini pill after my daughter and it made me have a period every other fricken week. It was horrible. One reason i stopped bf was because i couldn't deal with the constant flow sometimes twice a week. I will not do the mini pill this time either and I'm running out of bc options. I don't want more kids But Im afraid I'll be risking it until i stop bfing and can get back on my normal pill.

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I had the copper one and liked it.i was just very paranoid about getting pregnant on it because I have heard of it happening. I had mine for almost 2 years before I took it out to TTC. I don't do well with hormonal medication so it's good. I have had friends that have loved them and others that have had big issues. Honestly, you won't know if it works for you till you try it.

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Yup I had 1 in for 4 years before this baby. It was amazing I didn't have to worry about anything for 4 years!

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I had the mirana and had no problems i loved it and got pregnant as soon as i took it out. My sister had the mirana and had some complications, shes very sensitive to hormones. They put in the coppet one and she loves it. I checked my string regularly so i knew if it moved out not.

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Won't be getting the Mirena made me feel like if I was pregnant. An the copper one makes some people have heavy periods. Will try again with the nuva ring. It worked for me the first time.

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I had the copper for about a year. I had a lot of issues with extremely heavy periods (soaking through a super plus tampon in an hour for days), very painful cramps and a pretty constant discharge when I wasn't on my period. My SIL has had it for a few years and seems to be ok on it though so I think it just depends. Hubs is getting snipped after this baby so I'm not worrying about anything anymore!

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