How is everyone planning on giving birth? Vaginal/c-section/VBAC?

Just wondered people’s thoughts on this. I was an emergency section with my daughter 6 years ago, failure to dilate past 3cm, even with iv’s to induce labour quicker after going into labour naturally but doctors needing baby out ASAP, fetal distress, grade 3 meconium, vomited thick blood so I couldn’t have certain drugs during my section. I’m seeing the consultant at 26 weeks to make a decision. Vbac success rate here is basically 1 in 3 will still go to section as an emergency. I’m not sure I want to go through it all again, especially with the anxiety after going through everything to get this baby, I think I will be a lot more anxious this time if things start to go wrong! I was put on nil by mouth for fetal distress incase of the need for section like 7 hours before they actually sectioned me last time. They said they wouldn’t dare leave me Long this time if things were going bad, they would section me quickly, but If there are other emergencies you basically join a waiting list as there is only one theatre, I wouldn’t have volunteered for a planned section with my daughter but now I feel it will probably be safer and less risky to do it that way (which coming from me is very unusual, major surgery wouldn’t normally be something I would be ok with) ? x

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I too had to have an emergency c-section with my first due to not dilating past 4cm and my sons heart rate going up and down. On my very first appointment I was asked what i wanted to do and i chose to have a scheduled c-section because i didn’t want to go through that again. Plus I have a toddler and found it would be easier to plan ahead especially for him. I was also told by my doctor that it’s probably best I do that because normally the second baby tends to be bigger that the first.
15.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’m having a c-section. They refuse to deliver twins vaginally here. My girl is breech so who knows how she would even turn after her brother comes out.
Have a back-up plan... a VBAC won’t be done if your baby is breech since the uterus is already weaker from the previous c-section. But if all is good then a VBAC is great ? just see how things go
13.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
I plan on delivering vaginally. But I am overweight and I have heard that some require a c-section. I trust my doctor and his recommendations though. So we will see what happens.

You should do what you feel is best! I am praying for you hun!
12.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
Thanks girls, I saw the vbac midwife at 16 weeks and she didn’t try and persuade me either way, she thought all of my worries were logical because of the history, a decision will be made with the consultant at 26 weeks which is still a long way away as I’m just over 17. I have a lot of scaring in my uterus picked up by a saline infusion that is thought to largely contribute to my fertility issues, like it’s that bad the fertility consultant couldn’t even get in my uterus to transfer the embryo on the last ivf transfer ? someone else had to come in and do it who had managed it before with me. I think i need to see what the maternity consultant thinks about this because the midwife wasn’t sure what would best with the scaring, on the plus side it’s old I guess so less likely to rupture but because there’s a lot I don’t know of that makes a difference. I basically told her I just want to get the baby here safely and if that means a scheduled section then that’s what I’m happy to do. Hopefully the consultant will tell me what to do because I’m really on the fence about things. In my gut I feel like the safer option randomly will be the section x
12.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
That's a tricky one. We're still leaning to vaginal if conditions are optimal, but boy the idea of just scheduling the c-section and getting everything over and done with feels good, too.
12.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
I agree with Kiks. Go with your gut. I would be tempted to try again if u had a c section but with your history I can see why you’re on the fence. How long before you have to make a decision?
12.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
That’s such a hard decision! Given your history I see why it’s so complicated. Good luck!

I hope to deliver vaginally, but I’m a ftm and I know anything can happen
12.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
Trust your gut: if you feel like you’ll be more at ease scheduling a c-section then I say do it.

The goal is a healthy baby. Doesn’t matter how you get there.

I would def be like you, and tempted to try the VBac but at the end of the day if it’s going to cause you stress and anxiety, best avoid that.

It’s a tough call, and I don’t think there’s really a wrong answer. I think you’ll be fine whichever you chose ❤️
12.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
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