calling you out bish
So I once had this best friend named Lexie.Flyinfree(her UN), she was my #1 supporter 1.5yrs ago when I decided it was time I leave my deadbeat abusive ex(her husband at the times brother). Well come 3 months later my best friend decided to tell me my ex is the father of her at the time 14 month old, and she was going to be with him. I was shocked af, but whatever, she wants to be with someone who abused me for 6 years, bye bish. I hope he was worth abandoning all 4 of your kids for, including the kid yall have together. I hope the life of hopping couches with him and acting like children was worth hurting 6 young children in the process. But I truly thank you for showing me your true colors and keeping him from trying to pry his way back into mine and my kids lives. I know, this was super immature, but I've been the bigger person for this long, I needed my moment and I mean what a time to do it. Thanks for putting up with my rude comments and the attitude I always had when i was active. I wish everyone well.