Rant...SO related..need advice

So the fight is tonight. SO wants to go watch it with his friends. Leaving me at home with Our twin boys through the night. I feel it's unfair in with them all day alone at night his help is the only way I manage to get a few hours of sleep now he wants to take that away from me to watch the fight. He works 6 days a week so I'm home with kids alone everyday except Sunday. My mom helps out but ultimately it's our kids not hers. Now i understand he wants to be with his friends but at the same time it's like I have put hanging out With friends on hold amongst other things for our boys. Why can't he? Am I overreacting ladies??
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My so just came home this morning from my brother's bachelor party.. but no way in hell will he be leaving me tonight!!! I can't miss this fight either :)

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My so just came home this morning from my brother's bachelor party.. but no way in hell will he be leaving me tonight!!! I can't miss this fight either :)

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Sounds like he deserves some time out too with him working six days a week, from the sounds of it this fight is a big deal too ? I don't know much about it lol you'll be fine ?let him have a break and be happy about it and he will probably feel so much more grateful rather than causing an atmosphere :)

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My opinion is that it's only one night! And if he works 6 days a week it sounds like he deserves the break-I'm sure when the baby comes he won't be going out with his friends very often so I would let him have this one-pick your battles and like a pp said-make him watch the kiddos next weekend and you go out!!!! ?

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Let him watch fight.. My husband is going to watch the fight w his friends and I'll be home w kids.. It's at night so kids will be sleep and I'll be relaxing

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Just make plans with your friends for next Saturday night and have him watch the kids?. He can't exactly say no since he's going out. He will definitely have a better understanding for what you do when you get back lol.

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hes a guy they will never do as much as u do... go watch it with him find a sitter.. it doesnt last all night, im going

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