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We are on month 3 of trying for number 3. This last February my dad passed away out of no where. A couple months before that my grandma (his mom) was diagnosed with cancer and given no more than 6 months... 12 days later she passed as well. And a few months before that my uncle whom we are very close to died from cancer. It’s been a rough year for us. My dad had a heart attack and went in for a stent, a week later he had another heart attack and went in to cardiac arrest which ultimately took his life. He died on February 2nd, 2018. If we get pregnant this month I will be due February 9th, but I have had 2 csec and this will also be a planned csec for 39 weeks (if all goes accordingly) which will be FEBRUARY 2nd 2019. I really want this to be our month. I want this day to be something more than just to mourn but to celebrate. I think my mom and honestly all of my family would take it as a sign from my dad that we need to keep living and continue to be happy and keep our faith. So please, if praying is your thing, please pray for us. If you want to send good vibes our way, good juju, whatever it is. We would love it. Testing day will actually even be my dad’s birthday! May 29th. Here is a picture of my dad with our youngest miracle baby. He was born with CHD and had open heart surgery at 5 days old. And fought with every inch of him to be here. He has spent a lot of time in the hospital and since my dad passed has not had a single hospitalization. I like to think it’s because grandpa is watching over him. ❤️

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Just wanted to update... I’m pregnant! 🤗🤗🤗
31.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@boymomx3, oh my goodness. I am SO sorry. I try to remember I’m not the only one who faces tough things but you never imagine just how hard it could be for others. I am also praying for you!
14.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Im so sorry for your loss I lost my parents 4 months apart. My mom died in 2013 actually 5 years today of colon cancer and my daddy died of a heart attack while he was driving home. He was supposed yo have surgery on his heart but was stubborn and never did. Ill say. Prrayer gor your family!
14.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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