Mommy Of A Little Princess
Mommy Of A Little Princess
If baby girl doesn't come by Sunday I have to go back on Monday an set a date to be induced ... For mommies that have been induced what should I expect? Kinda nervous because I hear its more intense to be induced. Any advice would be greatly appreciated😊❤

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One more thing . Shower before you get there. I was induced on a Wednesday 12pm and didn’t get to shower until Thursday at like 9:30 10am
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@hadleemae2018, don’t get to worked up just know it’s exhausting but like you said you will be ok. It’s painful that’s for sure but it’s not anything you won’t be able to handle a lot of people scared me going into labor but it’s not as bad as they mad it seem
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@nlock I will get plenty of rest! ❤ an I will definitely eat I'm just so nervous lol but I know it will all be okay.
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Don’t get the epidural to early . I was induced it took a little while to get labor started for me but once it kicked in it was fun they say you can’t eat but my doctor suggested that I go get food before going in because once you’re there they won’t let you eat although I did slip a few of my mans fries and chicken nuggets lol and they do give you like ice pops and jello but it doesn’t fill you. Get plenty of rest. Just don’t get yourself to worked up it’s not that bad and it’ll all be worth it in the end . I was a little nervous cause mine wasn’t planned I was at the doctors office and she sent me right over to the hospital at 39wks of course after I got some food I only go soup cause they said don’t eat anything like a cheesesteak but eat something that will fill your stomach
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@hadleemae2018, I’m still scared of it and have done it twice. Everything will be ok. My youngest was stubborn. Went in the first time for Induction and she went breech so we had to reschedule
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mommytotheo, that’s crazy. I’m glad you had an easy induction though. You being dilated helped a ton.
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@hadleemae2018, lol thanks 😅😂🙈 it was extremely painful. Delivery was so much easier than sitting in the hospital bed for hours with contractions. Pitocin is no joke. 😩
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Get lots of rest and eat a big meal before you go. Take everything that will make you feel comfortable and at home. I felt like a zombie without that stuff. I had about 6 cervical exams but they went up my hoohaa to my cervix about 12 times in total. So, expect some cervical exams lol. I'm not gonna lie those contractions hurt and they will make you very uncomfortable. Take medicine if it's too painful for you. It's never too early to take pain medicine! I didn't get the epidural though. I only got pain medicine through my IV which calmed the pain down a bit and let me sleep. I never went into labor so I can't tell you about that part. I had a c section after 3 days of induction. Everyone is different and you're gonna do great 💪 Hope she comes on her own!
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@miaheka oh man I can't imagine the pain when the epidural doesn't work. You're a trooper for sure!
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@hadleemae2018 you're welcome. I've heard that stripping membranes really works hopefully she'll come soon. They also told me that unless you eat really greasy food before you probably won't poop but they said they're used to it they're more shocked when when someone doesn't
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@denessev I wish I wouldn't have had to be induced but I've been having contractions since 34 weeks and I was all the way thinned and stuck at a 3.5 they were afraid that Theo would going to de-stress so that's why they induce me and they also thought I was developing late onset preeclampsia
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mommytotheo I will make sure to eat like ive never ate before. Lets just hope I dont poop all over the place lol jk I definitely plan on getting an epidural. I am already 2 centimeters dilated an 80 percent thinned when he stripped me yesterday an ive been losing more of my mucus plug so I just pray little girl comes on her own. An if not I know I can do it because you're right we were made for this ❤❤ thank you for the advice!
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mommytotheo, luckily yours was only 7 hours! You were one of the lucky ones. I’ve had three kids and I prefer the natural labors over the induction 100%. Everyone’s inductions are different.
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I was induced at 41 weeks!
Definitely get the epidural as soon as you start feeling contractions. The contractions are way more intense with induction. I was in labor for 20 hours and active labor for 2 and a half hours. I went in not dilated at all and they started me on the cytotech pill that did nothing for me in the 4 hours it was in so they inserted the cervadil straw like paper thing and that started my contractions real quick. I went from not being dilated at all to 4 cm over night in 11 short hours. Pitocin was then started a couple hours after that and I went from 4cm to 8 in 8 hours And 8- to fully dilated in 2 and a half hours. It happened so quickly for me, they expected me to be there for a couple days, but little man was not having it. 😂 The contractions were the worst part for epidural was ineffective and I had to keep turning on each side every hour to get the medicine because it would only work on one side, go completely numb and my other side would be in excruciating pain. I only had the epidural through my contractions. By the time it was time to push my epidural wore off and I delivered him naturally without any tears or complications. 🤷🏻‍♀️
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@denessev I sure hope she comes on her own as well! 25 hours of labor, holy cow I look up to you!
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ndnprincess7 ill be 40 weeks Sunday an my doctor said to come in on Monday if I haven't gone into labor to talk about inducing me.
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I was induced. It really wasn't that bad the contractions were pretty intense I'm a weenie when it comes to pain though. Eat a lot before you go in to be induced because you will be starving if you don't I didn't know I was being induced so all I had that day was an apple luckily my labor is only 7 hours so it wasn't that bad but eat eat eat before you go in. I also got an epidural and I loved it I had back labor and it helped ease the pain I do recommend as well getting it earlier than you think you might need it I almost waited too late. I got my epidural and not even two minutes later I was pushing. Just remember you were made for this. Also if you are already dilated and thinned before your induction starts the faster it will go. I wish you the best of luck on the birth of your baby best wishes. Hopefully you won't have to be induced but it's not that bad I promise people make it out to seem worse than it is. I was induced at 37 + 6
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Get a lot of rest before you go! I was in labor for 25 hours! It was absolutely horrible. I was tired, hungry, and uncomfortable. I will say that it was a lot easier going into labor on my own. Every one is different though. I’ve heard of inductions going absolutely great! With my first I was supposed to be induced but I wasn’t dilated so he used cervadil to soften my cervix and that only sent me into labor, which was awesome! Good luck! Hopefully she comes on her own (:
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
You don’t need the epidural, it’s not an end all, sometimes they don’t work, sometimes it only half way works. I had my son all natural and the pain wasn’t that bad. And you’re 39 weeks, why are you being induced already?
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@amberspringer thank you for telling me to get the epidural sooner than later. I just wish she wasn't so darn stubborn lol
I'm so nervous for labor in general but I know I can do this. I think its just the unknown. 😊
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Also you can’t eat anything
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Just get rest and get the epidural sooner than later. Mine failed so I had no drugs besides IV which did nothing. Other than that make sure everything is packed. It felt like Christmas the night before both of mine. I couldn’t sleep lol
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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