So AF is due in 4/5 days. I thought I experienced implantation bleeding the day before yesterday (4/24/18) but I’m guessing not. Getting pregnant seems to be the most difficult task I’ve ever took on. Jeez
@quaecarter, been there trust me!! Have tried a cleanse? I did a cleanse last year and it finally worked. Cleaned my diet up hit the gym to get my blood oxygenated. Started taking Angus castus to balance out my hormones and L’arginine to increase my CM. Stopped taking the L’arginine because I started producing too much LOL! But then I knew exactly what I was looking for LOL!
Raspberry leaf tea, the black loose leaf cleanse your uterus and increases blood flow too.
The magic three really help to kick start things!! I fell pregnant within the first month. Then miscarried in my second trimester but got pregnant again using the same magic three and was back after four months. So it does work.
@memybumpandi, I’ve been trying for 4 years on and off (off meaning, when i give up but of course we still have sex). I’ve had the HSG test. I’ve tried the “natural ways” that are best for me. Taking prenatal. Folic acid. We have the ovulation test strips (also clear blue brand) ..