Well, I did the midwife brew yesterday and still no baby. I had some strong contractions all day, which I haven't had all pregnancy..so hopefully I'm dialted, will find out more Monday!
@swdemopulos1 we've tried stimulation a few times and didn't really do anything sadly. I asked my Doctor about the membrane sweep and because I'm not even dilated she can't do it..so just trying anything natural to get this started lol
@tyrellp which I'm okay with that kind of..I just don't want to be induced and not be dilated. They said the because I have such a high cervix that if I'm not that I would have to have a Csection. Which yeah I don't want that obviously.
I got a membrane sweep when I was 39.5 and decided to do nipple stimulation and my water broke within 20 minutes. That might’ve just been a coincidence, but maybe the stimulation will work for you!
14.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
@dalihaha lol your baby just doesn't want to vacate