Sarah D.
Sarah D.
I was hoping to strictly breastfeed my baby. It’s hard for me to fight with my baby for 1-2 hours at a time to get her to finally latch. I’m a ftm and I’m learning as I go, but I’m thinking about still working on the breastfeeding, but also pumping and giving her a bottle. My mom believes in only breastfeeding and no bottles should even be in the house, so I constantly hear her advice and opinions. It makes me feel like a bad mom and I failure for even wanting to pump. I believe that a fed baby is a happy baby, no matter how she’s being fed. Plus, I want to enjoy every second with her and not fight when she needs to eat. When it comes down to it, I’ve already made up my mind on what I’m gonna do. I’d like some other opinions on this subject though. What do you guys think about doing both breastfeeding and pumping?

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I’ll hold off on the constant bottles for a little while longer. I just have one boob that’s staying engorged and she won’t latch on, so I’m having to pump on that one to relieve some of it and I don’t wanna waste what I pump. Because I pump a pretty good bit.
09.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
I would try to hold out until you can get the latching down but if it's really not working just know if you go to bottles she probably will stop latching. That's how my first was
09.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
If you use bottles just know she probably will stop latching completely and your supply will be still need to pump every two hours especially this new into it. I'm just speaking from experience. I got lazy with the pumping every two hours even at night and my supply went to poop.
09.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Thank you so much! I really needed to hear all of this. I’m looking into how to do both right now.
09.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
I never pumped and I wish I could have. By time I tried a bottle with my daughter at 1 month she refused it and I was stuck not able to pump. So she was stuck with me 24/7 which usually isn't bad but in cases of doctors or other such things it was a pain. She finally weaned at 11 months and I've been grateful to be able to leave her for an hour to go to the store sometimes.
09.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
girl, it's a great idea! i was going to strictly pump but he ended up latching great now we're 7 months in, he gets bottles while away and i even give a bottle to give my nipples a break lol (still pump for the missed feeding)
09.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
I think doing both is a great idea! Many moms do both. Don’t let the opinion of your mom stop you from doing what you want to. This is your child not hers. And you’ll still get the bond even if it’s bottle feeding. There’s still times I do skin to skin even though we’re on formula.
09.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
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