My husband called me a black welfare b**** because I'm on maternity leave & only have cash aid too depend on right now . I can't believe he said that , it hurt me so much .
Honestly. I was left dumbfounded. Like, I can't wrapped my head around how someone who 'loves' you would say such a thing. If he was doing his part as your husband and father (provider) maybe you wouldnt have to be on cashaid. Girl, forgive me, (no disrespect to you) but you husband is a clown. Does he not realize he's also disrespecting his half black seed? I'm sorry he said that to you. But you're a Queen, nothing less! Brush that shit off and save your coins for a rainy day for YOU and YOUR CHILD! Lol God forebid ole dude ever needs your help financially...😏
God this post had got me feeling emotional!! You’re on maternity leave, not unemployed!! Babe when someone shows you who they are, believe them. This is not a joke. You are his wife and mother of his unborn child. I haven’t worked in a year and a half, because of my all my pregnancy dramas what on earth would he do in that instance?? Jeez!!!