Who else using MEDELA breast pump? Does it seem like the pumpers? Are to big? Like does it really hurt I mostly pump so I use it a LOT should I get a new pump?
The nipple will always get stretched out but if you tried different sizes and you're still uncomfortable then maybe just do lower speed? I hated pumping and used the medela. I just used low speed speed and did it as little as possible lol
@fr3dfr3dburg3rfu, oh girl, my breast feeding journey has been rough and i don't even think about formula. have you tried creams? i'm gonna show you my parts in a few mins and see if we have the same
@boymamachronicles I did but the hole is the same side -.- (I just used this face because I'm that irritated about what I paid for) I just ordered some and the only difference is the cone is more shallow. The pumping hole is the same side as the "bigger" one. My skin around my nipples stretch... And I'm getting real depressed because it hard to pump and in running low... And please don't mention formula because i REALLY don't want to go to formula. I still pump just barely and I need to do it more. He only latches in the morning when he just wakes up and is still comfy. (Heh... 😅 I just kinda poured everything out...)