Any other moms, baby's have digesting issues ?
Anything that helps?
Zayden is on gentlease but not sure what else to really do. Dr doesn't seem to worried but sadly I am
@zmoms17 oh my goodness that's awesome!
I Only know of one other !
I love the name Zayden so much.
Just hate that people get it mixed up with Jayden lol
He does have gas and we've tried all types of bottles the vent air Tommie tippee dr browns all that he does best with the tommie tippee.
But he does have some digestion problems.
And I was told to use the gripe water to. As soon as I get to a store I'm deffinaly getting some. @girlmom.
@raquely where would I find those? I've never heard of them
09.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
What kinda bottles do you use? Are you sure it isn’t just gas?
Gripe water saved my life when my oldest was a baby
I Only know of one other !
I love the name Zayden so much.
Just hate that people get it mixed up with Jayden lol