I saw in another post that you’re supplementing. First things first, stop. Put the baby to the breast. Your BM is supply and demand. The more often you empty your breasts (pumping or nursing) the more milk you will have. If you’re not pumping when she takes a bottle/every 2-3 hours, you’re literally telling your body you don’t need more milk. Take 2-3 days and nurse on demand. This may mean she’ll nurse every half hour or maybe not. But it will definitely help your supply. You’re still regulating how much milk your baby needs. Your boobs are taking your cue.
@_sheriee, ok, I was getting kind of sad bc she cries. Whatever I can pump out I just add to her milk. When I left the hospital I was trying to do 5 mins on each breast but now I don’t even make it that long without her crying. I’m not getting much at all. They told me to try to pump every 3hrs.
Your baby is only a week, that sounds 100% normal. Only way to increase supply is to have baby latch. You shouldn't be pumping so early, it can cause oversupply
Well drinking tons of water helps. Like a shit ton. Eating oats helps too. You gotta eat more while breastfeeding too. But how do you know you're not making enough?