Past 2 days I woke up and threw up. Today it was a violent upheaval after eating half a French toast and a bite of sausage. It came out through my nose. Yesterday I was pooping and peeing at the same time. Haven’t eaten anything else except a grapefruit (1 yesterday and 1 today). Tried soup last night and it was a no go for me. Outside of the uneasy stomach and vomiting I feel fine, I just can’t eat and it’s making me hAngry. Anyone else? I have a whole attitude cuz I’m hungry but terrified to eat.
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@telliey, yea I haaaaated the feeling...i tried eating sooo many different things too so I could see if a certain food would help but it all came up and unfortunately you just have to keep on trying to eat until you find something your body can keep down because if you don’t eat neither does the baby 😕 pregnancy isn’t as easy as the people I know tried to make it seem 😭

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This was me the whole first three months of pregnant,I thought I just had the flu.

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@telliey, yea I haaaaated the feeling...i tried eating sooo many different things too so I could see if a certain food would help but it all came up and unfortunately you just have to keep on trying to eat until you find something your body can keep down because if you don’t eat neither does the baby 😕 pregnancy isn’t as easy as the people I know tried to make it seem 😭

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@jazminep013, I don’t drink milk but I’ll try the crackers. I hate feeling hungry 😩 I feel like my LO knows when I’m hungry and turns into a competing gymnast in there. That’s been going on for the past 2 days too 🤦🏽‍♀️

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I know exactly what you’re going through 😕 the beginning of my pregnancy was absolutely horrible and there were days my doctor sent me to the e.r because I could keep nothing down. Right now try eating crackers and drinking some milk and see if you can at least keep that down, so you at least have something in your system.

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