I think I might have lost my mucus plug.. I'm not sure
It just looked like literal boogers in my underwear, but no blood. Does that sound right?
If so, how long did it take for you to go into labor after losing it?
@miracle0723, I know!! I feel miserable and I’m 4 whole weeks behind you!😱 I can only imagine how I’ll feel at 38 WKs I’ll probably just cry 😭 lol; maybe she is days away! I had my first son at 38 weeks. Good luck I hope she comes!💕
Sounds right but It’s hard to say if you lost all of it & when you’ll go into labor; everyone is different; I lost my mucus plug in the hospital I had already been in labor for hours. Then when the doc came to check my progression that’s when it came out
Everyone is different, I started off losing little pieces and I lost two big chunks between yesterday and today and I’m full term. Some people go into labor and some don’t, if you see blood I would contact your doctor