**Warning tmi***
So I should’ve gotten my period on the 27th of January.. I had light cramping Monday night (1time) and no period but experienced a bit more clear mucus. Tuesday little less clear mucus then the day before but same light cramping one time tues night. This morning I woke up to red blood when I wiped so I figured oh my period. Put a tampon and pad on cuz usually my first day is brutal. Went to the bathroom after 4hrs and there wasn’t hardly anything on my tampon or pad. So I put new stuff on. Again 4hrs later I have even less on my tampon now it’s more of a pink but also a little bit of clear mucus and hardly any cramps at all. Is this my period or implantation?? I’ve searched google up and down but now I’m to the point where I’m like do I really have that symptom or not really?? I am pumping for my 8mo old.
Thank you for any advice and help!!