Alright .... I’m posting this in hopes to see if I’m not the only one... I may be, today I hit an all time low. I thought about leaving my family, it’s all too much and I feel way too alone... but yet I’m married. I don’t ask for help because I’m constantly hearing “I never had this help with y’all” from my mom. My mother in law stays with us but I find it had to ask for help with her also because she works all day and comes home tired. But her and my father in law always throws out little hits towards me and my husband expects me to just ignore it. Things like “make sure you’re giving my baby her medicine” (my daughter is sick) “Danielle where’s dinner” or whenever I do cook, “let’s go with the food” i really feel like I’m in over my head. I’m not cut out to have a family and I feel that my husband isn’t helping as much as I want him to, but I don’t ask for help because last time I did he laughed and said no because he was too tired.... last night I broke down, and honestly thought what am I doing here. Maybe she’s better off without me. And all day today I thought the same thing because Adrienne just cried all day.... but with anyone else she doesn’t give trouble, as a mom I know my daughter needs me but I feel like everyone else around me can do a better job... so why don’t they 😓😒😢😢😪😪🤧