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Proud Mama right here! I started off and on trying to get my son used to the idea of potty training (not with any consistency mind you) since he was about 12 months old. Well the other day he decided to kickstart his own potty training. My son will be 2 in March and doesn't talk. Well he looked me dead in the eyes and tried pulling down the front of his pull up. So I took him to the bathroom and he actually went. So for the next few days I have been taking him to the bathroom and he actually goes. The other thing I noticed is he can actually make himself pee now. He just figured that out the day he decided to start. I know some people wait longer but he is now showing me that he wants to go. Which is great because it might make it easier on me once his sister is born at the end of February. I'm just so proud of him for starting this on his own. I did try for a while but I started to feel discouraged and then he did this! Just felt like sharing. Sorry for the long post. Picture is because he is so darn cute!

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